Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Totoro, god of death?

Totoro, God of Death?

    Many individuals portray Totoro as a kind, cuddly, warm creature from the film "My Neighbor Totoro". On the other hand, many people have been looking into the conspiracy that Totoro is actually a god of death. If you haven't seen this movie, read on at your own risk. There will be spoilers.  

    Rumors tell that those who can see Totoro are dead or close to death. When Mei (the youngest sister in the movie) goes missing and a sandal is found in the river, everyone believes she has drowned. As soon as Satsuki (the other sister) states that it isn't Mei's sandal she runs off to find Totoro. (It is said earlier in the movie that Totoro gets to choose when he will let people in to see him) Satsuki finds Totoro and he fetches a "bus" for her. The "bus takes Satsuki to Mei, who is found crying by some statues. Those statues happen to resemble Jizo Statues, which are placed to protect travelers, the weak, children of miscarriages, or lost children; due to this coincidence, people believe that Mei had died and was being watched over by the statues until Satsuki came along to get her.

    At the end of the movie, Mei and Satsuki go to the hospital to see their mother. The only one who was able to notice them, or think they could see them was the mother. This shows that the mother passes away later because she was able to see them. Pretty freaky stuff. 😀

    If you are interested in learning more about this movie and its conspiracy theory visit the link below, or watch the video provided. 


  1. I loved this movie since the first time i saw it. Thats why I am sad that the company who made this movie isn't making movies anymore. When I first heard this theory i just about flipped out and went back to watch the movie to see if it was true. And my answer to whether this theory is true or not is possibly.

    1. Yes, I had the same reaction. It is one of the best films by Hayao Miyazaki. Although, I would watch Howl's Moving Castle over My Neighbor Totoro any day.
