Friday, March 17, 2017

Coalesced Berries

🍍Coalesced Berries🍍

    What is are coalesced berries?? You may be asking yourself this. Well coalesced berries are in fact pineapples. It makes great smoothies, barbecue, houses, yes, houses, the list goes on and on. Pineapples are found in almost every grocery store, and are enjoyed by most people. But did you know that...

    1. Pineapples grow on bushes...

    2. Pineapples are actually made up of berries(if you didn't catch that already)...
(you can see that pineapples have a central axis around which a cluster of fruiting flowers form. The plant's ovaries grow into berries which then form the shape of a pineapple)

    3. And... pineapples contain Bromelain...
(what is bromelain??? Well, bromelain is an enzyme that breaks down the proteins in meat and flesh... yes, this includes your mouth. This is why your mouth feels numb after eating pineapples. 

    Well, that's all for now. If you want to learn more about random things then stay tuned. Have any questions or comments, feel free to let me know. Thanks for reading. 

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