Sunday, March 12, 2017

Strange Phobias

Strange Phobias

     I don't really have any way to begin this post. Lets just say some people are stranger than others. 

    1. Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers, or they are just afraid of feathers. This can include any birds, or a feather pillow, or just a feather on the ground. 

    2. Xanthophobia, the fear of anything yellow, can cause any panic attacks when those who suffer from it see something yellow; including the sun, a flower, or even a crayon. Worse cases can cause a person to panic when they hear the word yellow. Poor Pikachu... 

    3. Turophobia, fear of cheese. This can be the fear of one or all cheeses. Its usually associated with a traumatic event, a memory. 

    4. Hylophobia, is the fear of trees. This fear is usually caused by watching films or reading fairy tales that have scary events in forests. 

    5. Ombrophobia, being the fear of rain can be triggered by many things. Many children who are told not to go outside when it's raining often suffer from this phobia because they begin to believe that there is something out there that is going to harm them.

    That's all I have for you today, if you would like to know more strange phobias, let me know in the comments below. Until next week 👋


  1. Never heard of those phobias..Very interesting looking forward to what you post next week!

  2. The cheese cracked me up aha. Interesting content, I like it!
