Sunday, April 2, 2017

Strange Phobias Part 2

Strange Phobias Part 2

       People are strange, and along with those strange people come their strange phobias. It becomes partially amusing to find out how crazy people are. Here are some interesting phobias I happened to come across...

1. Cyclophobia- What has two wheels and petals too.. you guessed it, a bike. If you are terrified of bikes, you suffer from Cyclophobia.

Image result for bike

2. Gallophobia- Do French people cause you to fall into panic mode? Are you afraid of anything French? If you are afraid of French Culture, you are Gallophobic.

Image result for french culture

3. Hypengyophobia- RESPONSIBILITY! Does commitment make you feel very scared? If so, you suffer from Hypengyophobia.

Related image

4. Koniophobia- If you suffer from this phobia, you best not live anywhere in the country, you would have panic attacks every day and night. You suffer from the fear of Dust!

Image result for dust

5. Nephophobia- Clouds, white fluffy clouds. They are everywhere, there is no way you can possibly avoid them. Anyone with Nephophobia fears clouds... 

Image result for cloud sky

Strange... very strange. Thanks for reading. If you wish to learn about more phobias, comment below or visit the website below. ( )


  1. This is an interesting post.
    I never knew someone could be scared of a bike .

  2. Interesting post.. I guess bikes are scary now

  3. Aha bikes. I swear some people just feel too much about certain things

  4. Interesting never knew Gallophobia existed.

  5. Interesting and very organised blog! And i didnt knew about fear of dust!

  6. crazy how many very strange phobias exist!

  7. I agree with Andrea! as I was reading I was thinking of if I have any strange phobias.. I have a fear of the dark..

  8. I had never heard of gallophobia before
