Saturday, April 29, 2017

National What Day???

National What Day???

Besides people having strange phobias, people have the tendency to make put aside a special day just for a certain item, food, or gesture. There are those like national give a hug day, or best friends day. Those aren't the bad ones, but why have a special day to celebrate those things when you can do it all year long. Getting back to my point, people are strange, here are some of the national holidays people came up with...

January 1st, Celebrate those with names beginning with Z...
     I guess they can have it pretty rough when it comes to alphabetical order, or finding their name on a key chain at an amusement park.
Image result for z names
February 4th, Create a vacuum day...
     For those of you who like to build things out of spare parts, you should try building a vacuum on February 4th.
Image result for vacuum day
March 24th, Chocolate covered raisins day...
     Because, you can't leave them out.
Image result for chocolate covered raisins
April 15th, That sucks day...
     It's basically there to bring someone's mood back up. 
Image result for that sucks day
May 6th, No diet day...
     If you are on a diet, you have one day out of the whole year when you can't follow it; because someone decided you needed a break.
Image result for no diet day
June 2nd, Go barefoot day...
     I guess it's a unique way to start off summer vacation. I wouldn't recommend celebrating this holiday (unless you were spending June 2nd at the beach, then go right ahead).
Image result for bare feet
July 25th, Thread the needle day...
     It's time to get your sewing on, thread those needles and make a new pillowcase out of that fabric you got and don't know what to do with it... unless you don't have fabric, then you can just go around threading everyone else's needles for them. 
Image result for threading the needle day
August 27th, Race your computer mouse/mice day...
     Mice exercise all year long for when August 27th comes. They practice so they can win... actually, I have no idea why you would race a mouse, unless it's a live one. Even then, that's cruel. 
Image result for computer mouse race
September 5th, Be late for something day...
     **cough cough school... cough cough
Image result for late
October 12th, International moment of frustration day...
     People need a special day to share their frustrations. This could be a good thing, but also bad. If someone holds in their frustrations all year long just to celebrate this day, they may go mad. 
Image result for frustration day
November 17th, Homemade bread day... 
     Now, I love homemade bread, so I wouldn't mind celebrating this holiday. 
Image result for homemade bread
December 31st, Make up your mind day...
     For those who are deciding what they should make as their resolution, or if they are thinking of proposing to their significant other new years eve. This day is for you, a special day for you to make up your mind. 
Image result for make up your mind day
Well, I guess they aren't as weird. Although, like I said before, why do you need a special day to celebrate these things when you can do it all year long. 
Thanks for reading. 
(information was found here: )


  1. I had no idea all these national days existed.

  2. I've never heard any of these days. What has the world come to.

  3. I've never heard any of these days. What has the world come to.

  4. All of those national holidays are so odd like the Feb 4th one !
