Saturday, April 29, 2017

National What Day???

National What Day???

Besides people having strange phobias, people have the tendency to make put aside a special day just for a certain item, food, or gesture. There are those like national give a hug day, or best friends day. Those aren't the bad ones, but why have a special day to celebrate those things when you can do it all year long. Getting back to my point, people are strange, here are some of the national holidays people came up with...

January 1st, Celebrate those with names beginning with Z...
     I guess they can have it pretty rough when it comes to alphabetical order, or finding their name on a key chain at an amusement park.
Image result for z names
February 4th, Create a vacuum day...
     For those of you who like to build things out of spare parts, you should try building a vacuum on February 4th.
Image result for vacuum day
March 24th, Chocolate covered raisins day...
     Because, you can't leave them out.
Image result for chocolate covered raisins
April 15th, That sucks day...
     It's basically there to bring someone's mood back up. 
Image result for that sucks day
May 6th, No diet day...
     If you are on a diet, you have one day out of the whole year when you can't follow it; because someone decided you needed a break.
Image result for no diet day
June 2nd, Go barefoot day...
     I guess it's a unique way to start off summer vacation. I wouldn't recommend celebrating this holiday (unless you were spending June 2nd at the beach, then go right ahead).
Image result for bare feet
July 25th, Thread the needle day...
     It's time to get your sewing on, thread those needles and make a new pillowcase out of that fabric you got and don't know what to do with it... unless you don't have fabric, then you can just go around threading everyone else's needles for them. 
Image result for threading the needle day
August 27th, Race your computer mouse/mice day...
     Mice exercise all year long for when August 27th comes. They practice so they can win... actually, I have no idea why you would race a mouse, unless it's a live one. Even then, that's cruel. 
Image result for computer mouse race
September 5th, Be late for something day...
     **cough cough school... cough cough
Image result for late
October 12th, International moment of frustration day...
     People need a special day to share their frustrations. This could be a good thing, but also bad. If someone holds in their frustrations all year long just to celebrate this day, they may go mad. 
Image result for frustration day
November 17th, Homemade bread day... 
     Now, I love homemade bread, so I wouldn't mind celebrating this holiday. 
Image result for homemade bread
December 31st, Make up your mind day...
     For those who are deciding what they should make as their resolution, or if they are thinking of proposing to their significant other new years eve. This day is for you, a special day for you to make up your mind. 
Image result for make up your mind day
Well, I guess they aren't as weird. Although, like I said before, why do you need a special day to celebrate these things when you can do it all year long. 
Thanks for reading. 
(information was found here: )

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hotel Sidi Driss

Hotel Sidi Driss

If you love Star Wars as much as I do, you definitely want to mark this place on your map or write it on your bucket list. Wouldn't it be fun to walk around Tatooine and drink a glass of ice cold blue milk just as Luke did in Star Wars?? 

Well... Now you can! There is a hotel located in Matmatat-Al-Qadimal, Tunisia; which is across the way from Italy. George Lucas used this hotel to shoot "A New Hope". When the film was done, the owners of the hotel took all the decorations down. But they soon went back up for Lucas's "Attack of the clones". Since then, the owners of the hotel decided to leave the decor up because Star Wars became very popular, and it helped their business. There are currently 20 rooms available to stay in. 

So if you are ever looking for an adventure and you love Star Wars, I would recommend you go here. And if you end up going, you should let me know how it was. 

Thanks for reading.
(Information found at

Fun Fact Quiz

Fun Facts Quiz

Let's test your knowledge. Grab a pen/pencil and something to write on to record your answers that you get from the questions below. 

1. Which of the following foods lasts FOREVER...
     A. Honey
     B. Uncooked Rice
     C. Flour
2. Is an Ostrich's eye really bigger than its brain?
     A. Yes
     B. No way!
3. How many ridges does a quarter have?
     A. 100
     B. 74
     C. 357
     D. 119
4. Which percent of bones do your feet have?
     A. 25%
     B. 52%
     C. 10%
     D. 75%
5. What is the Maximum weight a golf ball can weigh?
     A. 1.62oz
     B. 1.23oz
     C. 2.78
     D. .95oz


1. Sometimes used as a sugar substitute when baking, Honey is one food that will never spoil. It is Hygroscopic, meaning they have little water content. Because of the low moisture, bacteria has a difficult time living in it. 

Image result for honey

2. An Ostrich's eye is bigger than its own brain, in fact, it has the largest eye in the whole animal kingdom. 

Image result for ostrich

3. A quarter has 119 ridges on it. These "ridges" are on coins to help prevent counterfeits. 

Image result for quarter

4. A human's foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles and tendons. In the end, your feet bones make up about 20-25% of all the bones in your body. 

Image result for feet bones

5. The heavier things are, the farther they will go. That's why, during golf tournaments all of the golf balls can't weigh anymore than 1.62oz.

Related image

Did you get them all correct? Comment your score below. 
If you would like more Fun Fact Quizzes, let me know.
Thanks for reading.

(All facts were double checked online. If you find out that one of the answers is wrong, let me know so I can change it)

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Strange Phobias Part 2

Strange Phobias Part 2

       People are strange, and along with those strange people come their strange phobias. It becomes partially amusing to find out how crazy people are. Here are some interesting phobias I happened to come across...

1. Cyclophobia- What has two wheels and petals too.. you guessed it, a bike. If you are terrified of bikes, you suffer from Cyclophobia.

Image result for bike

2. Gallophobia- Do French people cause you to fall into panic mode? Are you afraid of anything French? If you are afraid of French Culture, you are Gallophobic.

Image result for french culture

3. Hypengyophobia- RESPONSIBILITY! Does commitment make you feel very scared? If so, you suffer from Hypengyophobia.

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4. Koniophobia- If you suffer from this phobia, you best not live anywhere in the country, you would have panic attacks every day and night. You suffer from the fear of Dust!

Image result for dust

5. Nephophobia- Clouds, white fluffy clouds. They are everywhere, there is no way you can possibly avoid them. Anyone with Nephophobia fears clouds... 

Image result for cloud sky

Strange... very strange. Thanks for reading. If you wish to learn about more phobias, comment below or visit the website below. ( )